Ciske Momberg

I am a Wellness blogger, proofreader and marketing enthusiast. 

Finding a hobby that serves You

I’ve encountered so many people in the past couple of years that don’t have a hobby. I’ve been asked so many times, ‘How do you not get bored?’ They’d ask, ‘What do you do when you have free time?’ or ‘I have nothing to do when I’m not out with people or at work/studying.’ I’ve always found these questions quite peculiar and rather telling of a person’s character; not necessarily in a bad way but just that they don’t know themselves and aren’t as willing to put in the work to actually get to kno

Mindful selfcare: Mindful moments and You

Mindfulness is a new ‘trendy’ word that we see everywhere these days, everyone is practising mindfulness and encouraging others to also take up this practice. But what is it really and how do we use this to take better care of ourselves. Let us delve into this headfirst…mindfully.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, mindfulness is the act of being aware of the present. Now, this can be a very difficult concept for those of us who are busy bees and can’t sit still and breathe. This practice of m

Using meditation and yoga to connect with yourself

We can all agree that it feels so good to be relaxed, calm and collected, right? Well, feeling all that ‘chill’ doesn’t always come easily, and sometimes it just takes so much effort to put time aside for relaxation, for self-care. Relaxation does not always mean kicking your feet up with a glass of wine, or getting cosy under that fuzzy blanket and switching on Netflix to binge your latest series. Yes, those most definitely add to the whole idea and act of relaxing, but let’s take it to a whole

The Therapy behind Cleaning

“The house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it.” If this is relatable (and I’m sure it is) you are not alone! We just hate cleaning! The dishes never stop, the dog keeps dragging dirt and grass onto the carpet, the sink gets dirty and the list just goes on forever. There is a solution to this job that sometimes warrants an outbreak of World War 3 (or a house war) when no one feels like doing these mundane chores. Hold onto your seat for this one and prepare to be amazed.

Cleaning can be a

Setting Wellness Goals

Goal setting is a tedious job, let’s face it because we usually set goals for ourselves that are only achievable if things go perfectly. And we know, life never goes perfectly. However, if we change the way we perceive the goalsetting task and the actual goals, and focus more on the short-term type of goals for habit-forming, the bigger goals will fall into place without us even knowing about it! Changing your mindset about goals is not going to happen overnight and that is why we can use planne

Reconnect and Become one with Nature

Ugh! Not another “tree hugger” article, please! No, this is not what it is about, although literally hugging a tree may be highly recommended for this kind of becoming one with nature and reconnecting. What I mean when I say “Reconnect and Become one with Nature”, is to simply be in nature, breathe it in and just, BE.

Have you ever been told to “get some fresh air and calm down”? That is because fresh air literally calms you down and grounds you. Just like those seemingly small but impactful me

Daily self-care rituals to connect with YOU

Too often we push self-care aside because we are too tired after a long day, or we just simply do not have the time right now. Well, let me tell you, that’s a lie! Self-care really isn’t such a time-consuming thing to do and I’ll tell you why.

Firstly, self-care does not always mean you soak in a bubble bath for an hour with a clay face mask and candles, self-care can literally be the smallest thing you do in the day that brings awareness to yourself and conjure a sense of belonging with yourse

What is Wellness and how to Practice it

Let’s start with the basics. What is wellness? Wellness can be many things; from connecting with yourself through mindful meditation or by eating healthy and getting enough sleep. The thing is, wellness will look different for everyone as we are all so different in our beliefs, values and aspirations but the fundamentals of wellness remain the same.

Wellness is a pursuit, just like “The Pursuit of Happiness” that gets us all teary-eyed, it is something that we choose. Choosing wellness means th

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